
Friday, 6 July 2018


Today this morning LS1 inquiry groups had to set in WorkSpace 2 for this quiz that we were doing. The inquiry groups names were The Cobras, The Living Inquiry Learners, Sea Lions, The Boggers, The Wolves, The Living girls, The quizzers, Class Clown Crushers and the Quiz Boys. We had to put our logo on the table that we were sitting on. My inquiry group was The Living Inquiry Learners. Mr Wong made a google form with our Inquiry Groups names on it. He made it so he can put the points on it when we get this thing right. All the groups had to do Questioning, Sculpting and Drawing. The first subject that we did was Drawing. Mr Wong will say draw the digestive system or the nervous system. After when all of the groups went up we then went with sculpting with play doh. Sometimes Mr Wong will say to sculpt a heart of an insect or sculpt a human's digestive system. After morning tea we went with questioning. Its is when the teacher asks you a question and you have to answer it start a way. The Quiz Boys said this question fast. Everybody's buzzer was to clap their hands two times above their heads. But The Wolves were taking the lead from all the other groups. They kept on getting the answer because they new what to do. Some of the questions were hard and easy. The quizzers was second for taking the lead. The Wolves had 6 points and the Quizzers hjad 4 Points and the other groups had 1 or 2. This was a awesome time doing the quiz i like it when we Sculpt, Draw and asked the questions. This was a fun time doing this with LS1.

1 comment:

  1. Kia Ora Alayah
    I have done a same blogpost as you. But i think your blogpost is much better then mine and i like how you put the photos next to it so that i can read it. Bye liletina


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