
Wednesday 6 March 2019

Kiwi Can | Prays

Today LS1 group B went to room 7 for kiwi can. When we got inside we had to get into a cricle. then we went into our Energiser the energiser was called the river and the bank. It was a cool game. There were attackers and defenders. We had to split up into to groups. The attackers will have to kick the ball and the defenders will have to catch the ball and throw it at the attackers. After the game we went into our energiser it was called Rock, Paper, scissors tag. We had to get into a partner when we do paper and my partner does rock she will have to turn around touch the group click click and then try and tag me. If she tags me we can do it again or find a new partner. Our theme was called Positive Relationships and our topic was Positive Communication. Then we did our points that points that we got was 49.

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