L.I: to show respect
This week we had another session for Kiwi Can. Our theme for kiwi can is respect and the topic is strength and weaknesses. Then we went into our energiser. The energiser was called follow the leader. For this game you needed to get in a group of 5 and we needed to do some things that were written on the cards. So Miss Mack would pick someone to be the leader in every group and we would need to copy what the leader says. We would do some hard or easy things. Then we needed to sit back on the floor. We then started talking about what we did last week and the week before. We then went into our activity the activity was called human knot. For this game you would need to get into a group and you would need to hold your groups hand and we would need to try and move and get out of the knot. The first group that gets it would be the group that wins. Then we went into our points. The categories are Participation, Respect, Teamwork, and Encouragement. This week we got 49 points.
I am a Year 7 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teacher is Mrs Anderson.
Thursday, 31 October 2019
Kiwi Sport
L.I:to learn the basic grips on a tennis racket
Today we had our first session of tennis. Our coach that was teaching us was name Peter. Then we went into our energiser. For the energiser we needed to get into pairs. When we do this we would need to have a ball and the partner will need to put there hands out. The other partner would drop the ball and the partner would need to try and catch it. We would need to take turns each so we both have a turn. The student that I partnered up with was Fau. Then we we needed to stand by a cone. When we play tennis we would need to have a partner to throw the ball and the other hit it. If you are left handed you would need to hold the bat with both of your hand and if your right handed you would need to hold the bat with your right hand. When we did this we needed to try and aim for the cones and try and get one of the tennis balls of it. Coach peter would say change and the other partner would need to throw the ball.
Kiwi sport,
Friday, 25 October 2019
Recount | Writing
L.I:to revise the structure of a recount and reaffirm the making criteria.
This week in writing we needed to write a recount if we won the world cup. When we did this we needed to work individually. I wrote about when us girls go to netball every thursday. When we defeat other schools we defeat them. Every game that we had this year we won. When we did this we needed to highlight or change the color of the text. But we could only highlight the words or sentences that we changed.
L.I: to make a smart comment
This week I was finishing off my Commenting. Today I commented on Ong's Reading blogpost. His reading bookmark was so cool and he did some interesting curving. I've also done something just like that but I was working with another group.
Label Companies | Inquiry
L.I: what is business
This week for inquiry we had to research upto 50 to 100 companies. For this Inquiry task we needed to work in a group of 7. We needed to write down in the boxes what the company is called and we also needed to put all the images on the table and sort out what was good and service. We also needed to make piles of the similar companies that were in that one pile.
label companies
Thursday, 24 October 2019
Stamen length graph
L.I:to know the lengths of the pencils that are in LS1.
This week for Maths we were learning how to know the lengths of all the pencils that are in LS1. For this maths task we needed to work individually. We needed collect all the pencils and measure them with a ruler. When we were doing the measuring we needed to work in a group of 4. I grouped up with Jaylee, Angelica, Leitu. This maths task was hard when we needed to add it all up but it was easy when we did the stamen length graph.
pencil lengths
Bookmarks | Reading
L.I: to learn how to make a reading bookmark.
This week for reading we were learning how to make a reading bookmark. For this task we needed to add some reading strategies and add some reading detail to it. When we did this we needed to work in groups of 5. I grouped up with Bella, Farzana, Charlize, and Fau. When we did this task we also needed to find some label for reuse photos or we can curve over. But we also needed to add some reading facts and get some interesting sentences of some authors books.
SSR Selfie
L.I: to describe the book in interesting information
This week I was finishing off my SSR Selfie. For this we need to read the book for 15 minutes then describe what the book is all about. This book was called bears of the ice the keeper of the keys. When we describe the book we need to give some interesting and entertaining information about it.
SSR Selfie
Basic Facts Boxes
L.I: To get more better at basic facts boxes.
This week for Maths I did Basic Facts boxes. The things that i did was Addition and Subtraction. Subtraction is making the number go less and Addition is making things go more up. The first layer that I did was Addition. We had to work by ourselves for this Basic Facts boxes. Addition and Subtraction is kind of hard and easy.
2019 maths,
basic Fact boxes
L.I: to learn how to write the maori words for where we come from.
This week for Maori we were learning about where we are from. We had to write down the Maori and the English version of the place we are from. For this Maori task we needed to work in groups of 6. We needed to stay in the same group that we were last week. First we needed to watch a video. Then do a worksheet about Nga Atua.
This week for Maori we were learning about where we are from. We had to write down the Maori and the English version of the place we are from. For this Maori task we needed to work in groups of 6. We needed to stay in the same group that we were last week. First we needed to watch a video. Then do a worksheet about Nga Atua.
Wednesday, 23 October 2019
Kiwi Can | Respect

L.I: to show respect to others around us
This week we had our next lesson of kiwi can. For kiwi can our theme is Respect. We started to talk about unique, how to respect ourselves, and to respect others. Then we went into our energiser the energiser was called Versus. So for this game we needed to pick a side that we liked the most. So the teacher will say spaghetti or baked beans and we will need to go to the one that we like the most. Then we started talking about what we were talking about last week. Which is Unique, Respecting ourselves, and respecting others that are around us.
Then we went into our activity. The activity was called Wisdom & Mighty. For this game we needed to split up into 2 groups one group had to go to Mr S and the other go to Misses Mack. The group that was with Mr S were doing physical challenges and the group that was with Misses Mack were doing brain testing riddles. Then we had to all go back into the theatre. We then went in with GKQ. GKQ stands for General knowledge questions. We then went into our points. The things that we are suppose to show is respect, encouragement, Participate in the games, and teamwork. We got 50 points in total.
Then we went into our activity. The activity was called Wisdom & Mighty. For this game we needed to split up into 2 groups one group had to go to Mr S and the other go to Misses Mack. The group that was with Mr S were doing physical challenges and the group that was with Misses Mack were doing brain testing riddles. Then we had to all go back into the theatre. We then went in with GKQ. GKQ stands for General knowledge questions. We then went into our points. The things that we are suppose to show is respect, encouragement, Participate in the games, and teamwork. We got 50 points in total.
Friday, 18 October 2019
L.I: to make a smart comment
Today I was finishing of my Commenting. I've commented on Sulias Writing blogpost. I commented on her blogpost because she explained what she was doing and because she gave heaps of information.
Basic Facts Boxes
L.I: to know how to do you addition and subtraction
Today I was finishing off my basic facts boxes. I did my addition and subtraction. When we are finished we will have to take a screenshot and write about it. We can do up to 10 or less. We will have to record and we will have to beat the teachers score. You can also do your time tables.
Basic Facts Boxes,
SSR Selfie 2019
L.I: to describe more about the book you are reading
Today we had to finish off our SSR selfie. The book I was reading and describing about was I am a dolphin. It tells you about different types of dolphins and what they do underneath the water. Dolphins are kind of like humans they are warm blooded, they are living things, they cant breath underneath the water so they will need to go up for air.
SSR Selfie
Inquiry | Businesses
LI: To learn what enterprise and business means.
This week we learned the definitions of Enterprise and Business. Our task was to (in groups of 3) make a slide and list as many companies including information like what that company sells/does, and the price range. My group decided to include extra information instead of having plain space. At first we needed to discuss about what we thought Business and Enterprise meant. On our slide, we included what we thought it meant and what it really means.
This week we learned the definitions of Enterprise and Business. Our task was to (in groups of 3) make a slide and list as many companies including information like what that company sells/does, and the price range. My group decided to include extra information instead of having plain space. At first we needed to discuss about what we thought Business and Enterprise meant. On our slide, we included what we thought it meant and what it really means.
LI - Build knowledge of vocabulary, and links words create to the wider world.
This week for Reading we were doing a quiz. For this reading task we needed to work in groups. When we did this we needed to try and find some rap songs, and some poetic lyrics. When you do quizs you needed to pick the right answer you think is right. We also needed to do do a google draw about vocab builder. When we did this we needed to write down the function, Label, Category, Associations, Similarities or differences, and Multiple Meanings. When you do quiz you need to read the lyrics so you know what the answer is.
vocab builder
Maths | Lengths of Pencils In LS1
L.I: to know the lengths of the pencils that are in LS1.
This week for Maths we were learning the lengths of the pencils that are in Ls1. First we had to add up the data from every group then we needed to count if we had 30 numbers in total. For this task we needed to work individually. When we measured the pencils we had used a ruler. We had to put the top of the pencil at 0cm then we needed to see how long it was. When we did this task we needed to measure 10 pencils. If the pencils was pass 10 and nearly to 11 well then it would be eleven or if it was nearly to 10 then the answer would be 10. When we measured the pencils we needed to do it with a group of 4.
Wednesday, 16 October 2019
L.I: to know te reo maori.
This week we had our first session of Maori. Today we had had to do 4 tasks for Maori. We needed to watch a video, then we needed to write down the english version of the speech that was in the vid, then we needed to write down the english words to the maori words. For this Maori task we needed to work in groups of 7. We needed to finished that task before we went to Kiwi can. We needed to stay in the same group till next week. The tasks that we were doing were easy but when we had to search up the english version it was kind of hard.
Kiwi Can
L.I: to show respect to everyone around us
This week we had our first session of Kiwi Can. For this term we have another Theme. Our theme that we were learning about was Respect. Respect means using our manners and honoring people. Then we went into our energiser. The energiser was called Fruity tuity.
For this game we needed to listen carefully for what the teacher was saying. If Mr says Apple we would need to jump forward, if he says banana we would need to turn 1.8 degrees around, and if he said orange we would need to jump backwards. Then we had to get back into our 4 lanes. Then we started talking about Unique.
Unique is when your different to other people and when your special. Then we went into our activity. The activity was called 1 truth 1 lie. For this game we needed to say 1 lie and 1 truth. We would need to see if the students know which one is the truth. If they get it right they get 1 point. Then we had to get back into our 4 lanes. Then we were talking about what we were talking about before.
This week we had our first session of Kiwi Can. For this term we have another Theme. Our theme that we were learning about was Respect. Respect means using our manners and honoring people. Then we went into our energiser. The energiser was called Fruity tuity.
For this game we needed to listen carefully for what the teacher was saying. If Mr says Apple we would need to jump forward, if he says banana we would need to turn 1.8 degrees around, and if he said orange we would need to jump backwards. Then we had to get back into our 4 lanes. Then we started talking about Unique.
Unique is when your different to other people and when your special. Then we went into our activity. The activity was called 1 truth 1 lie. For this game we needed to say 1 lie and 1 truth. We would need to see if the students know which one is the truth. If they get it right they get 1 point. Then we had to get back into our 4 lanes. Then we were talking about what we were talking about before.
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