I am a Year 7 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teacher is Mrs Anderson.
Wednesday, 26 June 2019
Basic facts boxes
L.I: To get more better at basic facts boxes.
This week for Maths I did Basic Facts boxes. I finished of my Addition and Subtraction. Subtraction is making the number go less and Addition is making things go more up. The first layer that I did was Addition. We had to work by ourselves for this Basic Facts boxes. Addition and Subtraction is kind of hard and easy.
Basic Facts Boxes,
maths 2019
Kiwi Can
L.I: to use trust and reliablity
Today we went to rm 7 for kiwi can. We have a new Topic and theme. The topic is reliablity and the theme is intergrity. We were learning how to trust people and how we can trust them. So we played a game called trust me. So we will need to get into partners and we will need to do trust fall and we also did other things so we can trust them. Then we went into a circle. We did 2 rounds of GKQ. GKQ stands for General Knowledge Questions. So the master will need to stand by someone and miss paige or miss mack will say a question and we will need to yell it out then who ever gets the answer then they will go to the next person. The master of GKQ was nobody.
SSR Selfie
L.I: to describe more about the book you are reading
Today we had to finish off our ssr selfie. The book I was reading and describing about was I am a dolphin. It tells you about different types of dolphins and what they do underneath the water. Dolphins are kind of like humans they are warm blooded, they are living things, they cant breath undreneath the water so they will need to go up for air.
reading 2019,
SSR Selfie
Reading | Vege car
L.I: to build vocabulary
L.I: to make connections
This week we were learning about vege cars. We needed to read the story and find out all the information that we can get. They named it vege car because it has different oil then regular cars. They use vegetable oil for the petrol. The reading skill that we were using was making connections.If you ever drive around Palmerston north then you will need to watch out for the vege car. The vege car has heaps of speed then normal cars.
Making connections,
vege car
Maths | Decimals
L.I: to add and subtract decimals by place vlaue and check using written in Algroithm
This week we were learning how to add and subtract decimals by place value. We needed to write down the answers in our maths book then we needed to take a picture and add it on the slide. We needed to practise solving decimal addition and subtraction problems. We then had to make a google draw and write about Decimals. We also needed to write down most information that we can get.
Tuesday, 25 June 2019
Friday, 21 June 2019
L.I: To make a smart comment
Today I commented on Liletina Maths blogpost. She wrote down what she did but I couldnt underdstand well because it never made sense. Reading her google draw was interesting but still it never made sense.
Zoo Trip
Yesterday all of Ls1 and most junior classes went to the zoo for a school trip. First we needed to arrange the groups and what instructor we are gonna be with around the zoo. At the zoo we went with the instructor Hohepa. He worked at the zoo for a long time so he knows heaps about the animals. We started to take off at 10:30.
First we visited the serval cats. They are kind of like cats but they have bigger ears and rough fur. We asked some questions about the animals. Serval cats can jump so high so they needed to make a bigger wall. Then we visited the cheetahs. Cheetahs are the fastest animals in Africa and in the whole world. Hohepa showed us a skin of a cheetah. The fur was soft and the claws were hard and dirty. Cheetahs are endangered animals so they are trying to keep them safe. All the cheetahs in this world only eat meat. Cheetahs can run up to 100m than they stop for a break.
Next we looked at the elephants. There were two elephants named Angalee and Burma. Burma was the oldest she was 36 and Angalee was 12. When elephants stomp they are silence so nobody knows there, there. They also use there trunks like there hands. They only eat hay, leafs, and vegetables. The zoo managers, and keepers said that they can make a story book out of elephant poo. We than went and looked at the flamingos. Flamingos are pink animals and they are from South America and Africa. When flamingos sleep they only sleep on 1 leg. We asked why do they sleep with 1 leg. Hohepa said that they sleep like that so if any animals come up to them they can run fast.
Afterwards we visited the lions. Lions are carnivores they only eat meat like cheetahs. Lions are fast but not faster than cheetahs. Did you know that when they walk there heel doesn't touch the ground / floor. Then we looked at the rhino's. Rhinos are big and there are different coloured rhinos. Did you know that rhinos often feed on grass because of their short snout. White rhinos on run 50 km. Did you also know that rhinos are endangered animals. Hohepa gave us a rhino horn that came off his head or nose. It was hard in the outside and kind of soft in the inside. The rhino horn was made up out of finger nails and hard rock.
Upcoming Hohepa took us to see the Giraffes. Giraffe are the tallest and highest animals in history and they are also have different patches. Some giraffes have dark patches or light patches. Giraffes have blue long tongues and they are from Africa. Giraffes only eat Acacia. Did you know that giraffes have the correct hardware to make vocal noises, but they just dont. There speed is 60km. There are more taller animals they are called common ostrich and a bear. Then we went to the kiwis. Kiwis are native to New Zealand. Did you know there are five known species of kiwi, as well as a number of subspecies. Kiwis kingdom is Animalia. Then we visited the monkeys. Monkeys are jumping animals that are really good at climbing. They can only live for 20 years.
Then the instructor took us to visit the baby penguins. Penguins are black and white birds that live in Antarctica. They only eat fishes and they are eaten by sea lions. The seals are next to the penguins so they needed to make a net so they cant get through. Then we visited the seals. They are big animals that mostly stay underneath the surface. They only eat, Penguins, Squid, and Krill. Did you know stellar sea lions are the biggest species than sea lions.
Then we looked at the spiders. The spiders were trapped in the glass so they couldn't come out. There were big ones and small ones. Some spiders live up to 25 or 15 years. Then we looked at the Galapagos tortoise. They are like turtles but there legs ain't the same as them. Galapagos are the largest living species. We than stopped and had a feed before going to the other animals.
Later we looked at the red pandas. They are coloured black, white and red. They are really good at climbing. The red pandas that were at the zoo were mostly males. Then we visited the Nyala. There are really cute animals. They kind of look like deers but there coloured white and light brown. They have big ears that go different directions. They are really good at hearing things. Then we visited the meerkats. They are small animals and they are light brown, with dark edges, and white fur.
Meerkats live up to 14 or 12 years. Did you know that meerkats can close there ears, and membrane covers. Then we went to look at the New Zealand reptiles. We then first looked at the lizards. Lizards are green and they have white ends. You can keep lizards as a pet.
I really enjoyed learning new information about animals that come from different places. The most thing I enjoyed was looking at the animals that I haven't seen for long. I was excited and happy looking at the smart elephants and how they can coroporate using there trunk.
Synthesis | Reading
L.I: to build vocabulary
L.I: to make connections
This week for reading we were learning how to synthesis the story. The story that we were reading about was when the Clyde dam broke and it flooded the town. We needed to write down the meaning the in the next box we needed to write down new information that we just found out. First we needed to do the google slide. We needed to write down the most important facts about the Clyde dam. We needed to attribute our images and we needed to write down the key questions. We also needed to write down three keywords that we think is linking with the story.
Wednesday, 19 June 2019
SSR Selfie
L.I: to know how to describe the book we are reading
Today I was finishing off my ssr selfie. We will have to take a photo of the book and describe what it is about. We will have to read the book for 20 minutes so we can know what the book is about. I was reading the book called geronimo stiltion.
SSR Selfie
Basic facts boxes
L.I: To get more better at basic facts boxes.
This week for Maths I did Basic Facts boxes. The things that i did was Addition and Subtraction. Subtraction is making the number go less and Addition is making things go more up. The first layer that I did was Addition. We had to work by ourselves for this Basic Facts boxes. Addition and Subtraction is kind of hard and easy.
Addition and Subtraction,
Basic Facts Boxes,
Decimals | maths
L.I: to identify and count tenths, hundredths, and thousandths.
This week we were learning how to identify decimals. We needed to make a copy of this slide and write down the write things. For this maths task we needed to work individually / by ourselves. We needed to show the teacher before posting this maths task.
Hiwi the kiwi | Fishing in the future
L.I: to be responsible at the sea and when fishing
Today we had the Hiwi the Kiwi visit us. We did singing, we did dancing, we also won some posters & some prizes. They told us some interesting and entertaining facts about what we should do when we go fishing or going out in the sea. Hiwi the Kiwi brang a prize. The prize was a fishing rod. The prize would go to the student that has the best story about fishes.
What we learnt:
* We learnt the legal fish size
* The fishes need salt ice
* Save the fishes from the plastic rubbish
* We need to pick them up with a wet towel
* Wear a life jacket to keep us safe
What we did:
* Listen to the minstrel
* Sang songs
* Did challenges / Wera
* Answered questions
Hiwi the kiwi,
sea and ocean
Tuesday, 18 June 2019
L.I: to create a dialogue using text message app
Dialogue is a conversation between two or more people. We had to chose two people from our plays that we made last week and create a dialogue using a messaging site. We did this in partner and my partner was Farzana. We chose the two characters Lisa and Lucie from our play. The dialogue was about how a blue leprechaun stole Lucies jewelry. The leprechaun left some clues around lucies bedroom. Lucies ask Lisa to come over to her house so they can find the missing jewelry. I enjoyed this activity with Farzana.
Friday, 14 June 2019

Today I commented on Fau's maths blogpost. She explained what she was doing and how she did it. It was a interesting and entertaining blogpost.
Maths | fractions of set
LI: To calculate fractions of sets.
This week for Maths we had been doing fractions. We had to solve different equations of fractions. We had used multiplication and division. We had worked as a group to finish this. We had worked out what was the fraction for a number. On the DLO there had been questions set out for Halves, Quaters, Fifths and Tenths. We had to write down the solution on our maths books.
fractions of set,
SSR Selfie
Today I was finishing off my ssr selfie. We will have to take a photo of the book and describe what it is about. We will have to read the book for 20 minutes so we can know what the book is about. I was reading the book called Caroline.
SSR Selfie
Basic facts boxes
L.I: To get more better at basic facts boxes.
This week for Maths I did Basic Facts boxes. The things that i did was Addition and Subtraction. Subtraction is making the number go less and Addition is making things go more up. The first layer that I did was Addition. We had to work by ourselves for this Basic Facts boxes. Addition and Subtraction is kind of hard and easy.
Addition and Subtraction,
Basic Facts Boxes,
Inquiry | Rocket
L.I: to know how to make a paper and plastic straw rocket.
This week we were learning how to make paper and plastic straw rockets. We needed to be in a group of three / 3. We needed to make a rocket and launch it. Were it lands we will need to add the cm or m on the slide where it says distances of rockets.
Writing | T.O.P.E.S
L.I: to know how to make a plan using your own strategies.
This week for reading we were learning how to make plays. We needed to discuss what play we wanted to do for the other groups. We picked the story about the leprechaun. We needed to write down the orientation, and the settings. T.O.P.E.S stands for Title, Orientation, Problem, Events, and Solution. But we only needed to write down the settings and orientation. We needed to work in our writing groups for this task.
Reading | Ants
L.I: to make connections
L.I: to build vocabulary
L.I: to skim and scan
This week for reading we got picked a topic. Our group needed to write about ants. We needed to write down the key questions then we needed to write down the information. When we added the image we needed to attribute it then link it. We also needed to write down making connections. We needed to write down does it link to the book we are reading. The book that our groups reading is ants on the march.
Making connections,
Thursday, 13 June 2019
Seasons / Tau
L.I: to learnt the seasons in Te Reo Maori.
This morning we had our next session for Maori. We learnt about the seasons in maori from this site called Te Ara. We needed to make a google draw talking about the events that happens on those seasons. For this maori task we needed to work individually. The maori word for season is Tau.
Thursday, 6 June 2019
L.I:how to attribute
Today we were finishing off our cybersmart. For cybersmart we were learning how to do attributes. We needed to this task individually. We will need to search a photo and then we will have to go on the persons profile. We will have to copy the link there control k.
Wednesday, 5 June 2019
Maori | Weather (Huarere)
L.I: to know the weather with knowing the maori word
This morning for maori we were learning about the weather and how to count in maori. Miss whea odie read a book about the stars that are in the sky. In the book there were two stories to tell. We had to make a poster about the weather and we also had to make another poster about nga whetu. We will have to create the pictures or we could search up some photos and insert it into our google drawing. We also needed to write down the maori word for the weathers. We needed to finish this off before school finished.
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