
Friday, 14 September 2018

Inquiry/Making roads

This morning LS1 had to do there must do. We had to get into a group of 4. The students that I was with was Sulia, Angelica, and Florence. Also from each group we had to pick a person to make a flat surface with sand on the grass.  When we did that we had to make it straight so the road can fit it on. The people that you didn't pick to come outside had to make a road with cardboard.

You can put designs on the road like straws and toothpicks. Every group didn't get a success just fau's group and my group. This was a fun task to do with my inquiry group. 

Thursday, 13 September 2018


Today for commenting I commented on Victorias inquiry blogpost. She had a long DLO talking about what she was doing.

She had good facts in all of those google slides. The purpose that she wrote about it had a lot of facts as well. She had nice information for it as well. Keep up the great work Victoria!


Today for our must do i did keyboarding. Keyboarding is to help you write with both of your hands. Sometimes it's easy and sometimes its hard. I always use this so I know how to write with both of my hands. You can pick your level that level that i do are 4 and 5s.


L.I:To learn how to swim
Today the year 4s, 5s, and 6s went to the YMCA pools. The first group that went was the year 4s then the year 5s and then the year 6s. I was in the year 5s group. We had to walk to the middle of the pool. We had to sit down and we had to do the safe entry. When we got into the pool we had to go on the island/Platform.

When we all got on to the island/platform we got a surf board that we had to hold on. We had to hold the top and then start to kick forward. Two people had to go then another 2. When we did that we had to do another lesson. Its when we have to put our hands at the bottom of the surf board. Then you start to kick off. We could do big splashes with our feet as well.

When we got onto the island/platform we did a special swimming lesson. Its when we push off and we put our eyes in the water and we have to move our hands on the surf board over and over again into we get to the island/platform. The coach picked 2 people to hop of the platform and go at the end where the deep bet is. When we got there we had to take our feet of the ground and we had to try and stay above the water.

If we touched the floor we have to restart. Then we had to get out of the pool and go into the pool where the little kids go in. Then we had to get into a circle in the pool. When we got into the circle we all turned anti clockwise. Then when we turned around we had to let go and float. When we floated the water turned us around. Then we went the other way and we did the same thing over again.

Table conga

Table conga
Today I chose to do table conga for my time tables. I chose this maths game because it helps me with my time tables. The time tables that I did was my 3s, 6s, 5s, 4,s  and 7s.

Basic Facts

LI: to develop fast recall of basic addition and subtraction facts.
This week for maths we were doing basic facts. When we did this we had to go fast  we couldn't go slow. This maths task was easy and hard at the same time.

Emotive Language

L.I: To write Informative but emotive Paragraphs
This week for writing we were doing Emotive Language. One of the important part's was that we had to make a interesting poster about emotive language. Before we did this we had to fill out this doc about emotive or not. It was easy and hard but we had to write the right answer.

In Mr Wong groups we need to do paragraphs. Even in your stories. Making a interesting poster was kind of cool. This writing task was really interesting. We also had to work by ourselves for this writing task. I also gave people some examples for emotive language.

Wednesday, 12 September 2018

Kiwi Can

L.I: To show respect to the person who is going to speak
Today for kiwi can we went into room 7. When we got inside we had to get into a circle. We than talked about what games we played last week Wednesday.Then we went into our energiser.

 The energiser was called add on. It's when you do rock paper scissors and you have to add on with your partner. Like if i did 2 and my partner did 3 then we have to add it altogether.

So the answer will be 5. Even when you play add on you can even trick them by putting your hands around your back and brining it back to the front and you just say the answer. The winner had to vs Mr Oglivie. When Pua vs Mr oglivie, Mr Oglivie did a trick on him.

Then Mr Matt and Mr Oglivie versed each other. The teacher that won was Mr Matt. It was good game to watch. Then we have to sit back into our 4 lines.We then talked about what was our theme and topic.

Our theme was Resilience and our topic was perseverance. Then we went into our activity. Our activity was called no frustration. It when you have to get into a group's of 6.The people that I was with was Nicole, Matthew, Karlos, Lorenzo, Akuhata, and Giovanni. You even get some cards to build a structure. Who ever had the best structure won.

The group who won for this game was Andrew's team. Then we went back into a circle. We then played add on again. But Mrs matt did questions and even time tables. It went all around the circle. We had to carry on. If we say the answer at the same time we have to restart and they will do another question. Then we went into our points.

In the beginning

L.I:Make a DLO teaching about the story and the lesson this story teaches people.
This week for reading we were doing pacific myths around the world. We had to pick a book that we had to write about.

 The book i chose was in the beginning. We had to work by ourselves for this reading task. To write about that book i did the summary and the lesson. This book was easy to do. Mr Wong went to each group and told them some questions.

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Difference between Roads,Highways and Motorways

This week for inquiry we had to find out the difference between Roads,Motorways and Highways. We also had to get into partners, I worked with Florence. We had to write different information about the 3 topics and what were different about the 3. We used our smart searching skills to find the information.

We used a lot of sites to find the right information. At the end Mr Ogilvie challenged us to find out what the 3 topics were for. We made a mistake at first but then realized what we got wrong. But this was really fun to do because it was so challenging.

Friday, 7 September 2018


Today i did keyboarding. Keyboarding is to help you know how to write with both of your hands. You got to put your left hand on asdf and your right hand on jkl;. Sometimes it hard and sometimes its easy.

I go on dancing mat because i want to know how to write with both of my hands. Also i do it because its one of our must dos for 2018. Especially you get confused because the keyboards are all over the place.


For commenting today i commented on Nicoles reading blogpost. The book that she was talking about was In the beginning. She wrote a long DLO about what she was doing.

Her google slide that she had, had alot of facts. She had a good summary about that book that she chose. Nicole's blogpost is really cool and it also has a lot of information.

Table conga

Today for my can do i was doing table conga.I did my 7s and 5s time tables.If you touch the x you will die and then you have to do it again from the top.You need to be careful when you get the number because then the x comes.You just need to go down then you will see all the time tables that you want to do.

Tongan Language week

L.I:To learn more
For tongan language week we had to draw a animated girl or boy.We had to outline the photo then design the body. We had to get help then we had to do it ourselves. 

The hard bit was the hair because its spiky. The design that i put on the girl was tongan colors. This was a fun task to do with LS1 and LS2.

Kiwi Can

L.I:To be respectful
This week Wednesday we went to room 7 for kiwi can. Group b and Group a were mixed together because the year 8 7 6 and 5s went to rugby. We started talking about what was our theme and topic. Then we went into our energizer. The energizer was called target zone. Target zone is when you get into a team and there will be another team. Its when there are 4 cones on the mat and there is 2 hula hoops in front of you. Each group has to pick up the hula hoop and they have to throw the hula hoops on the cone. One of the cone is for 10 points, the other cones is for 20 points, the next cone is for 50 points and the last cone is for 100 points. The team that gets the most wins. We had two rounds. The team that one was my team number 1s.

A piece of Paradise

L.I: Make a DLO teaching about the story and the lesson this story teaches people.
This week for Reading we were doing Pacific Myths and Legends. We had to pick a book to talk about. The book i chose was A piece of Paradise.

 It about a sun god who makes a A little piece of paradise. A piece of paradise is in a school journal. The book was published on June 2012.

Basic Facts

L.I:To identify when additions are needed.
This week for maths we did our basic facts. We had to do Number bounds to 5, Number bounds to 10, Addition with numbers and Making 10s. The hard one to do was addition with numbers. 

We had to work by ourselves for this maths task. We had to do 4 sheets to do this. We could ask for help but we couldn't ask friends.

Thursday, 6 September 2018

Traffic games

Heres the video of our presentation

Today we had to finish our video for the presentation. When we finished the presentation we had to play 3 traffic games. We were playing it because our presentations were about Traffic lights, roundabouts and pedestrian crossings.

The games are for you to not crash into other cars that are going to approach.You have to click on the traffic lights and it will go the colour that you have chosen. In some traffics there are ambulance. The patients that are in the car they will die and it will be a traffic jam.

Link to the Games: