This week at kiwi can we sat down in 5 lines boys and girls.We then started with our enegier the enegiser that we played was snached the cone. In this game you will be facing your partner and the cone will be in the middle you need to grab it before your partner does.When you dont ghet the cone then you have to sit down and move on. When we finished the game we then went into our activity,. The activity that we did was hand soccer.Its when you have to hit the ball with one hand. You will be numbered like 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 or 11.
I am a Year 7 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teacher is Mrs Anderson.
Friday, 29 June 2018
Today for cybersmart we did netiquette. It is about being safe online. Just remember when you do capital letters that means the person that you are texting to is shouting. We learnt the rules for netiquette. The rules are Dont send dirty photos to people you dont know, Rescpect other peoples privacy, Be kind and truthful, Post postivie comments and informatiom, Ask for premssion to post other people's stuff and Dont post personal stuff of your friends.
This week for inquiry me and my group had to make a video about MRS GREN. MRS GREN stands for Movement,Reprodution, Sence, Growth, Respiration, Excretion and nutrition.

Today for reading we had to make a storyboard for our text that we were reading. We were reading boost. Its when they have a costume show with tails. We learnt what inferring means reading between the lines.
Thursday, 28 June 2018
Show and Tell
L.I:To write a descriptive scene.
Today for writing we had to infer about this photo that we learnt about. We used show and tell to infer for this photo. We wrote some facts about this other photo with a man and his son. We had to get into a group of four and talk about that photo that we learning about. When we finished talking we had to give the facts to the teacher so he can write it down on the whiteboard. He remind us that we have to use our 5 senses our five senses are touch, sight, hear, smell and taste. So that means what have they touch what can they smell what are they looking at and what can they hear. What if they hear birds flapping around to find something what if they touched a beautiful flower or what if they can smell cooked chicken.
Descriptive writing,
show and tell,
Comparing fractions
L.I:To compare fractions of different kind.
We learnt what a Denominator was even an Numerator. The denominator is at the bottom of the fraction and the numerator is the top fraction. On the side we had to write the example for what we had to do.
Comparing fraction,
Wednesday, 27 June 2018
Today this morning we were in LS1 doing Maori.We all got a orange string each and we had to do the two of diamond.It was hard and it was kind of pretty easy.We had to learn it from watching people doing like how can you make two of diamond.Some of us made a simple one and we also learnt to do other things.This was really awesome.We were with Mr Oglivie.
cat's cradle,
Friday, 22 June 2018
Today for writing we had to do a narrative for Tom the lost dog.In our narrative we had to add a title, do a orientation, problem, Events and solution.We had to record our narrative when we were finish.We had ro do the narrative on a google doc.When we wrote our events we only needed to do 4 events.Mostly everyone in Mr Wong groups picked the lost dog named Tom.This one was a good photo to write about.We had to do this form about tom the lost dog.Most of Mr Wong groups named him Tom and we wrote other things that we could do.
Here is my Video
Here is my Narrative about Tom the lost dog
Tom the lost dog
“I’m lost!” Tom thought as he trudged through the mud on his four legs. The dog wanted to get out of the monstrous forest, so he could get back to his owners. Tom tried to remember the way back home, but he was too scared to think.
Tom doesn’t know how to get back home because he's too scared to think. Tom lost his location to get back to his owners. Tom was thinking and he still couldn't find a way.
Tom was kind of stuck in the mud. Tom tried to remember the way back home but he was to scared too think. Tom was stressed that his wasn’t with his owners.
Tom the dog was still in the monstrous forest. He still tried to think we he came from. Tom was still at the forest trying to find a way but he just can’t. Tom just waited on the rock to think were he came from. Tom was so sad that he couldn't find his owners at all.
Tom must of been stressed and so nervous that he was stuck in the puddle of mudd. Tom was so confused that he wasn’t with his owners he was always with someone but know he is just alone.
When tom was walking with his owners the owner's brang a friend of there’s. The friend was holding tom on the lesh and the friend just let the lesh go and then tom ran away in the forest.
Suddenly tom heard a noise saying “Tom where are you”. Tom then started to bark three times. He then ran where the noise came from and he still ran and he found the path. Suddenly tom found his owners he ran to them and jumped on his owners and barked. The owner then said “We can go home now tom”. Tom was happy and he had a nice warm house.
Tom the lost dog,
This week at Maori we learnt how to weave a fish.We weaved a fish with long strip paper.It was really hard to make.We watched a video to show the intructions but we watched the one with flaxs.We did maori in the morning and we were watched from Mr Oglivie.We had to go on google maps to see where the things were.We had to find Matui island, petone, hutt river and the airport.All of these things were in wellington.It was hard putting the paper all along your hands.
Heres the link to the video.
Here's the google map.
weave a fish
Thursday, 21 June 2018

Today i comment on nicole's interesting blogpost.I like it when she inferred about Tom, hannah and Fred.I've done the same blogpost but i think her one is much better and interesting.She had a nicole simple sentence about inferring.Well done nicole!
Inquiry task
This week for inquiry we learnt about the circulatory system did our compulsory tasks.Our compulsory task included a explanation, a fish bone template, a poetry/prose and a sculpture. In my group (The living inquiry learners) we did the sculpture,the explanation, the fish bone and the poetry/prose.I did the Explanation, I did the poetry/prose, Pua and Sione a did the sculpture and me and Miiana did the fish bone. In the explanation i had to write about all the parts and what they do. In the poetry/prose I had to write a narrative about the circulatory system. In the fish bone Miiana and me had to think of as many parts as they could in the circulatory system and in the sculpture Pua and Sione had to draw all the parts in the circulatory system and the label them.

circulatory system,
Inquiry task
Today for maths we had to make a video of our fractions that we cut it out.We cut it into quarters, and halves.When you want to make it in halves you have to fold it to the edge and then at the end you push it down with your fingers.Then you open it up and there will be a line in the middle of the paper and then you have to cut where the line is.When you want to do quarters you have to do the same thing but with both of the paper that we cut it into halves.So when you do a quarter you have to fold both of the paper to the edge and then you open both of them and then there is going to be a line in the middle of the paper.After that you have to cut in the middle of the both of the lines.After when we finished dong halves and quarters we started writing information on the board about fractions.We wrote on the board quarters, halves and thirds and we wrote at the bottom quarters, halves and thirds.We had to do this with our maths group.The maths groups names were Pi, Delta, Infinity and much greater than.My maths groups was delta.Mr Wong wrote down all the maths names and if we get some good answers then he will give us a point.Delta keeped on getting a lot of good information so we had the most points then the other team.When we did it in a group mr Wong said count how much people are in your group.So every group had to count.Delta was the group that had the most people in it and the other groups were small.
Mr Wong gave us some questions about fractions he gave us easy as question and they were.
* How many halves do you have?
* How many whole strips of paper can you make with your halves?
* How many halves do you and your neighbors have all together? How can you write that in fraction?
* How many halves does your whole group have all together? How is that written?
Mr Wong gave us some questions about fractions he gave us easy as question and they were.
* How many halves do you have?
* How many whole strips of paper can you make with your halves?
* How many halves do you and your neighbors have all together? How can you write that in fraction?
* How many halves does your whole group have all together? How is that written?
What have you learnt:We learnt how to do fractions with long paper.
How did you learnt:We learnt by following MR Wong when he was doing quarters, halves and thirds.
L.I:To add fractions of the same kind.
Wednesday, 20 June 2018
Kiwi Can
Today we went into room 7 for kiwi can.We had to get into 5 lines with boys and girls.We then had to remind Miss Lily and Mrs Matt what our topic was for kiwi can.We then went tpo our enegiser our enegiser was shark attack its when someone has to be a shark and 4 blue hula hoops on the floor.When Mrs Matt or Miss Lily say shark attack then we have to get in the circle if our feet are out of the hula hoop then the shark will come and hit us with the soft stick.If we get hit that means we are out and we have to sit down by the wall.We then got in our activity.The activity that we did was hand soccer.Its that we have to put one hand around our back and hit the ball with one hand.When you want to score you have to hit the ball on the side that you are hitting.We all got called a number so when Miss Lily says a number then we go up and play hand soccer.Everyone on each team had one turn or two turns.We then had to get back into 5 lines.The people that are in the front have to stand and miss lily will say a question and they have to answer it.Everyone in each lane got a turn of saying a answer.When everyone had a turn Mr Oglivie said a question and the question was can humans lick there elbows.The answer was false.We then did our points and we scored 25.
Kiwi can
Tuesday, 19 June 2018
Inference detective
Inference Detectives: Looking for clues
L.I: To infer information from a text
Friday, 15 June 2018
KiwiSport - Rippa rugby
This week we went to kiwisport with Mr Wong.We played rippa rugby with the coach Hamish.We got put into a group 4 3 2 and 1s.Group 4 and 3 had to wait so group 2 and 1 can i have a turn.We had so much fun playing rippa rugby one of the teams have to defend the other team.
Circulatory system
This week for inquiry we had our compulsory tasks and our elective tasks. In our compulsory tasks we had Explanation, Fish bone, Poetry/prose and Sculpture. In our explanation we had to write about how a organism respires. In our fish bone we had to draw a fish bone organizer showing the parts and functions of the respiratory and the circulatory system. In our poetry/prose we had to show how the circulatory system works by writing either a poem, a narrative or imaginative recount and in our sculpture task we had to Create a labelled sculpture of one of the parts of the respiratory/circulatory system in humans. In our elective tasks we had the Double Sequence Chart, Picture / Poster, Slide presentation, Song Lyrics, Venn Diagram video and word ring. In the double sequence chart we had to draw a double sequence chart and explain how a organism respire.In the Picture / Poster we had to draw a picture or poster showing the parts of the respiratory / circulatory system in humans or another animal but the task must be hand drawn. In the slide presentation we had to make a slide showing what the parts of the respiratory / circulatory system does. In our song lyrics we had to write a vocabulary list for all of the words used in the selected song.We really enjoyed this time doing Inquiry because we get to learn more things about our body. In the Venn diagram we had to compare the parts of a human and another organism that lets them respire. In the video we had to make a video explaining what each part of a human respiratory / circulatory system does and in our word ring we had to Create a concentric word ring of words for the respiratory / circulatory system.
circulatory system,
This week at kiwi can we played 2 games.We firsted had our enegiser. The engiser was buddy move.We had to much fun.
What we learnt:We learnt how to show respect to other teachers around.
How we learnt:We learnt by listening to miss lily and mrs matt.
Thursday, 14 June 2018
L.I:To learn about halves, quarters and thirds, and the same fractions of sets.
Today for maths we had to make a video of us putting counters on the halves, thirds and quarters.We had to have counters on each of the sides and it has to be the same amount.When we finished the video we had to publish it and put it on our blog.We had to make a simple DLO and we had to make a simple learning intention.We had to do this task all by ourselves.
What we learned:We learnt how to make paper into thrids, quarters and halves.
How we learned:We learnt by watching Mr Wong doing it on origami paper.
thirds and quarters
Wednesday, 13 June 2018
L.I:To identify structure and language futures of a narrative.
Today for writing we had to write about a narrative and write down what it is.We have to write down what we put in narrative and we had to put narrative photos on.
What we learnt:We learnt what Figurative language is.
How we learnt:We learnt by listening to the teacher when he was writing on the board.
structure and futures,
Maori - Matariki
This morning for Maori we learnt about the maori new year for matariki.Matariki is about the seven sisters.We got a paper that we had to solve and when we finished we had to write at the back of the paper that waiti waita song.We had to solve it fast because we had to write about it and put it on our blog.We then sang the waiti waita song to the end and it was awesome.
What you learn: I learnt that matariki was the biggest star out of all of them.
How you learn: I learnt by listening
What you learn: I learnt that matariki was the biggest star out of all of them.
How you learn: I learnt by listening
Tuesday, 12 June 2018
Why do our muscles get tired?
The password is LS1isthebest
L.I:To self monitor understanding of words and Phrases.
Today for reading we read a text about Why do our muscles get tired.We had to make a video on FlipGrid and when we were finished we had to blog it.We talked about what we did and what the text was about.When you exercise you can get tired and really sore that you might get a blester or a sore feet.
Wednesday, 6 June 2018
Today for cybersmart we did online shopping.We had to write down were we can get the stuff from.We did cybersmart with Mr Wong.There were more online sopping sites that we should of done.
Kiwi Can
This morning after maori we went to kiwi can and we had a enegiser. The engiser was called Cat and Mouse.So people have to spread out and lift up there hand and block the cat that is trying to get the mouse.Miss lily said face left or right or front and that will block the cat.Kiwi Can was awesome.
This morning we had Mari. We were learning about Matariki new year. For Maori we had it in workspace 2 and when we had to do work we had to watch the Matariki story of what happened.Our maori teacher is Wheae Odie.We had to partner up and the partner that i was with was florence.We watched matariki stories and how and when it happens. We sang some songs on the mat and one of them was Waiti waita song and the other one was Aio aroha koa koa koa pono song. Matariki is about the seven sisters there names are Waiti, Waita, Waipuna-a-rangi, Tupu-a-nuku, Tupu-a-rangi, Uru-a-rangi and matariki.
Friday, 1 June 2018
Website Review - Follow your food
This week for reading we had to do a video about the website that we got the keywords from.This website is from the national geographic kids.This website is about the digestive system and other things.
follow your food,
Venus Flytrap
L.I: To campare explanation with information report.
Today for writing we had to do a explanation planner for the venus flytrap.A venus flytrap is a carnivorou plant that is native to a small region of welands and in the eastern United states.Venus flytrap is a deadly plat it is surronded by insects.Venus flytrap are really deadly carnivorour plants.
Today for writing we had to do a explanation planner for the venus flytrap.A venus flytrap is a carnivorou plant that is native to a small region of welands and in the eastern United states.Venus flytrap is a deadly plat it is surronded by insects.Venus flytrap are really deadly carnivorour plants.
Venus flytrap,
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