This Tuesday we went to kiwi can in room 7.We first had to get into a circle and talk about what is our topic and our theme.After we had to stand up in a circle the game we played was bang.So there has to be someone in the middle saying people's name.If he says Miiana then she has to bob down and the people beside her has to look at each other and say band as fast as they can .When we play bang when they get out they have to take one step in and play if there is 2 people left they have to put there back on each other and when they say bang they have to turn around and say bang.
The next game was called tooty fruity.It is when you have to pick a fruit the apple was to jump forward orange was to jump back and the banana was to switch sides.We did 2 fruits and then we did 3 4 and 5.The people that get out has to sit in the middle of the circle.
Our topic for kiwi can is integrity that means doing the right thing when no ones looking.After we played JKQ is when people have to sit down and the person that is standing up has to go around the circle like the person next to him has to stand up and Miss lily will say a question and we had to go all around to the person that is at the end.
What did we learn:We learnt that we need to show respect to get points.
How did we learn:We learnt by thinking straight.
L.I:Was to show integrity