Yesterday for kiwi sport we played softball.We had a warm up and it was running to the tree and touch the tree and come back.We had to get into groups of 2.1 stands by the cone and the other person has to stand by the cone and ball.We had to make a L with our hands but the back hand has to be bent so it can be a L and that we can throw pro-ply.When you throw you have to throw to the bottom of your hand.When we catch it we had to do butterfly hands so we can catch it pro-ply.When i throw the ball to my partner they have to throw it back.When we did that we had to be like a monkey going around and catching the ball.After monkey we did crocodile we have to snap the ball.And after crocodile we did frog that we have to jump to the right and left.And after that we had to put the ball back on the cone and line up by Mr Ogilvie.And then we walked back to class and did work.
Today for reading we did reading 2018.We had to write about your self.So what you enjoy in reading what i'm good at and what i need to work on.We had to work by our selfs for reading 2018.
Today for my other i did SSR Selfie. We have to get our book then take a picture and then write about the book.There was 3 characters in the book there names are Kat, Maisie and the ghosted.It a mystery book.And Maisie tells a lot of lies and she's naughty.
L.I:To memorize addition and subtractions patterns.
We had to get into partners for maths and we had to do activity's.We did four rotations.Someone had to hold the dice and the other person had to write on the writing book.Me and Liane worked together because we always get into partners and we work together proply.We had to adition and subtractions patterns.
LI. To learn about the Winter Olympics. This week LS1 had to study about the Winter Olympics, and answer all the questions Mr. Ogilvie gave us. We learnt that the Winter Olympics is held in Pyeongchang in South Korea. I answered all the questions but it was hard to find some of the answers. We had to use text, colour, layout and composition to make this poster look interesting.
Today we were learning about attribute.We had to attribute the image and we had to get the license from the website.When you get a photo from a website go on label for reuse and get the creators name.
L.I:To attribute creator work to the owner.
What did you learn:We learnt how to attribute the image.
How did you learn:We had to look at the TV and see what Mr Wong was doing.