I am a Year 7 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teacher is Mrs Anderson.
Thursday, 29 March 2018
Today for reading we had to retell the key words for cooking an uga.We had to go on Flipgrid to make a video of us telling the key words.We had to read cooking an uga for the last for weeks and then we make a video.
Here is the video

Here is the video
Wednesday, 28 March 2018
Maths action
Today i was working with Liletina for Maths action.We had to put the words in right places.We had to take picture's on each of the slides.The slides were add, subtract, multiply and divide.
LI: to learn maths vocabulary related to mathematical operations
Maths action

Today we had to organise our google drive.That means that if there is any google drawing and slides floating around your drive you have to put it in the right folders.So if there is maths floating we have to put it in the maths folder and if there is writing floating around you have to put it in the writing folder.We were sitting on the Mat and there is some examples were the google drawing's go in and google slides.
Tuesday, 27 March 2018
Duffy Assembly.
Today we went into the hall for the duffy assembly.The visitor's was Taylah and Matt johnson.They talked about there self and they asked some questions.When taila and matt went on the stage they brang a bag that has her sports clothes in it and her big trophy.She showed us all of it and she showed us her on the newspaper.Taila was a BMX rider and she play's touch with Matt johnson.Taila is even a interviwer and taila wants to try other sports.After the assembly shje came into our class and asked question's.After we played minute to win it with taila and the other quest.The other quest versed vctoria for back flip and taila versed bella at domino.Taila almost won but the book didn't hit the bell and the other quest didn't win back flip.
L.I Is to write about what happened in the duffy assembly.
Duffy assembly,
Friday, 23 March 2018
LI: To find and make Examples of word's .
Today for maths we did Find, draw, animate and act.We had to finish all of the slides on the slide.Motto
Today we had inquiry and we had to do mottos. we had to do it as a group the people in my group are Raera , Alayah , Sulia Afatia and me . this was really cool for me because i got to find out famous brands and their mottos . I found this kind of challenging because it was kind of hard to find images and also find their mottos. This was very cool to do and i really like working as a team because we all worked together .
LI: Identify personal qualities that contribute to a sense of self-worth.
Thursday, 22 March 2018

Today i commented on Bella's blog post because the writing was interesting and it has a lot of writing.That was amazing blog post.Well done Bella.
. blog post,
Kiwi Sport
Today for kiwi sport we played softball.We went on the field by the office.We did a quiet warm up and that was running around the senior park.When we got back we started to talk about what we did last week thursday.The coach ashley said your doing fielding and we are doing batting.When we get the glove we have to be the fielders and the people that line up they have to hit the ball with the bat.When the people hit the people do batting they have to turn on the side and open your legs half way and then the coach ashley will throw the ball and we have to hit it.When we hit the ball we have to ran to the 1 bas to the 2 and 3.There will be someone at the back of the batter so he can get the ball of the fielders.When he gets the ball and the people are still running they are out.When they get out the next person in line has to come up and bat.After the game we had to get into a circle by the coach ash.She started talking about what we did and how we did it.After we had to go back to class and line up for Mr Ogilvie.
Kiwi sport
Grammar cop
Today for Mr ogilvies writing groups we had to do Grammar cop.
I learned how to do Grammar cop this was actually kind of fun .
Also I learned this by the pronuceing the word and seeing if it makes sense and if it didn't i put it in side incorrect words .
LI: To try hard and make sure that the words are actually incorrect words.
I learned how to do Grammar cop this was actually kind of fun .
Also I learned this by the pronuceing the word and seeing if it makes sense and if it didn't i put it in side incorrect words .
LI: To try hard and make sure that the words are actually incorrect words.
grammar cop,
Wednesday, 21 March 2018
L.I To learn and use core digital skills.
Today for cybersmart we did Device skills.We were learning about shortcuts on the keyboard.For Ctrl X is to cut the words out of the box and Ctrl a is to select all of the text.We had to get a partner to work with and the partner has to be a year 5.
Device Skills
Kiwi Can
Today for Kiwi Can we went into room 7.The games we played was 21 who am i.For 21 we had to pass the ball to the next person by us.When it lands on someone and it say 21 they are out and they have to sit down.When the game was finished we went into a circle.We were talking about role models.So they say who is your favourite role model and why you like them so much.There was some role models on the wall if we wanted to copy them and say that is our favourite role model.Mrs Latu show is favourite role model non is phone.His favourite role model was Mrs Matt.Mrs Matt sings and Mrs Latu want's to sing like him.After we standed up and played who am i.The people in the front of the line has to stand up and face Mr Matt Miss Lily.So Miss Lily write's on a board a name or a character and they have to guest so some of the groups are on the ground and we help them.They say a question like is it a person and if its a animal.After we had to sit on the ground and Miss Lily was going to write the points on the paper.We have to work on Participation and Team work.Then we had to line up out side two lines quiet.Then we walked back to class.
Kiwi can
Today we had inquiry and we had to do mottos. we had to do it as a group the people in my group are Raera , Alayah , Sulia Afatia and me . this was really cool for me because i got to find out famous brands and their mottos. I found this kind of challenging because it was kind of hard to find images and also find their mottos. This was very cool to do and i really like working as a team because we all worked together .
LI: Was to work as a team and also work together so that we can get our work finished faster and way better .
L.I to identify key words as nouns, verbs, adverbs and adjectives in a text.
Today for reading we did retell with our group.We read the book play flipperball.When they throw the ball they have to use only one hand and when they have to catch the ball thats the hardest bit on the game.We learnt what Adverbs, Adjectives, Verbs and Nouns.
Friday, 16 March 2018

Today for writing we did retell.The book we used was junior journal 43.We did catching mustelids.Mustelids are danger because they have sharp teeth they are fast and they are really clever.Mustlids dont like birds the break the eggs with there teeth because there teeth is really sharp and strong.
Thursday, 15 March 2018
Kiwi sport

Kiwi sport
Simple Sentences and Compound Sentences.
Today for writing we did simple Sentences and compound .
We had to put them in the correct order because the words were mixed around.
LI: was to try and find the simple sentences .
What did you Learn ? I learned how to learn more about Simple sentences and compound sentences .
How did you Learn ? I learned this by myself and also trying my best .
Team Logo
Today for inquiry we got into groups of 5s and our teacher Mr ogilvie told us to make a team logo .
Our team is could the L.A.R.A.S. . This is the names of everyone that is in our team . the names are Liane , Alayah , Raera , Afatia , and Sulia .
LI: Was to make a logo decribing everyone in our team .
What did you learn ? I learned how to make a team logo and also find out how to spell everyone in our teams name .
How did you learn ? I learned this by using the first letter of the first letter of our name .
minute to win it

Today i commented on Charlize kiwi can blog post.She explained what they were doing and what they played in kiwi can.Her writing made sense and her explaining was good.
Wednesday, 14 March 2018
SSR Selfie

Today for the other i was doing my SSR Selfie.I wrote about the year of the big dreams.We have to take a photo with our book in our hand and we have to smell.There was a girl named flo her mum was a tv talent person.
SSR Selfie
Kiwi Can
Today we went into room 7 for kiwi can. We played 2 games called paper seizers and charades.
For paper seizers rock we had to get into partners and play it if we lose we have to go around them and put our hands on there shoulders.Then we have to go around and verse other people around room 7.When we get the other team out we have to do the same thing.
The other game was charades and this game was that miss Lilly and Mrs Matt put us into 3 groups one by the white board, wall and the sink.In each group one has to hop up and go to Mr Matt and Miss Lilly so they can give us a action.In each group when they do the action and we get the action right we win a point for us.
After the game we had to get into 4 lines.When we get into 4 lines we do QAR.For QAR we do questions and we have to answer it.We have to make up a move like do a chicken move or any move.Every group get's a turn of QAR.
After when kiwi can finished we had to line up outside straight and silence.
Kiwi can
Addition and Subtraction.
L.I:To Identify subtract problems.
Today for maths we did Addition and Subtraction.We had to put the right words in the box subtraction or addition.Subtraction is take away and Addition is adding.So Priya has 10 marbles i her collection if she gives 6 to her best friend how many would she have left.So that has to go into the subtraction box because it is take away.
What we learn:We learnt how to do addition and subtractions.
How we learn:I learnt how to put the answer in the right box.
Friday, 9 March 2018
Andy Warhol
Today for Inquiry we did Andy Warhol the americans famous artist.He was popular and he was a movie shooter and he was a painter.We know that he like to do pop art every time and we know that he does pop art alot.
Andy Warhol,
This week for reading we did retell.My group name is Geronimo.The title for our retell was Uga. We had to write about Uga. It has to cook in the pot for 4 minutes. If we cook more there has to be more pots for the Uga.
Reading 2018,
Kiwi Sport
This week at kiwi sport we played softball.We did 1 warm up and we did pitching.We learnt some skills from Miss H the coach.We had to get a partner so i went with Miiana.When we throw we have to aim to there hand so they can catch it.
Kiwi sport
Pop Art
L.I:To use different techniques to create a visual art pieces.
Today for inquiry we did pop art.We had to take a photo by the blue wall.When we take a photo Mr Wong printed it.For doing pasteling we had to use a light colour if it is dark it will look like something else.
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