I am a Year 7 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teacher is Mrs Anderson.
Wednesday, 29 November 2017
Government Service
L.I To look at more than one information on Source when researching.
Today for inquiry we had to get into 6. My group was Raera, Fau, Hosea, Aden, Alayah and Juel.We did Government Service.When we were in our group we had to be buddies.I did Library and Raera did Politicians.We had to finish the whole slide.
Government Service's,
Thursday, 23 November 2017
Kiwi Can
This week at kiwi can we played a game.We had some hula hoops around the floor.The game was called stink sock because the feet had to go into the hula hoops.Miss latoria will say the number then we will put our feet into the hula hoops.After the game we had some questions from Miss latoria.They were hard and easy.After that we had to line up outside quietly.
Kiwi can
Kiwi Sport
Today at kiwi sport we did badminton.We played a fitness game that was called infinity tag .We had to get into pairs when we did badminton.We had to get a racket and a shuttle.Kevin the coach put our the badminton nets for the students.My partner was Charlize.We had to do back hand serve and front hand serve.We then had to do another one.Charlize hit the shuttle to me then i had to catch it.We started to switch after 5 hits.We then had to down on the floor.We had too go to a net that we wanted to play with.There was only 3 nets for the students.So me and Charlize went to the middle 1.We had to take turns of hitting the shuttle.After that we had to seat back on the floor.When we sat down that was the end of Badminton.
Kiwi sports
SSR Selfie
Today for my daily 6 i was doing SSR Selfie.I read a book that was roald dahl.The book was called the giraffe and pelly and me.We had to read it for 20 minutes.
Daily 6,
SSR Selfie
Its Novel Time
L.I to make connections, summarise, evaluate and synthsise facts when reading text over serveal days...
Today for reading i was doing my novel.I was partners with florence.We had to read the book for 20 minutes.We chossed the giraffe and pelly and me.We started with the video then the main ideas.Me and florence did 1 boxat a time.
ts novel time
Wednesday, 22 November 2017
Past Tense
L.I to use past tense to show something has happened .
Session 1
Today for writing we did past tense and future.We had to change the underline and fill in the line.We had to write your own past tense sentence.Me and Sandra was with Mr Wong and the other kids were with Miss Lincer. Me and Sandra had to be in partners for our writing work.The other students had to work by there selves.
There is a video to show what we are doing for writing.
Past Tense,
Tuesday, 21 November 2017
Fire station visit
Today we walked to the fire station.We had to wear shoes and our hats.When we got to the fire station we went outside looking at fire officer.When we did that the fire officer showed us how to get changed into there customers.
They all have to do is take of there t-shirt then put there customers on.When we did that we were asking some questions about how long they been there and how old is the fire truck is.There was only 3 people at the fire station.
Four people was going up to the hose and that was Sandra, Andrew, Jonathan and fui.After that we saw there tools.We saw a chain saw, pump cutter and other stuff.They had this big tall tower.They trap people in it and they have to rescue them.They had a ladder it was 9 meters long.Then Norm went up on the truck and started to wet the students and the big tower.
After that we said goodbye.Then we started to go back to school.
Fire Station visit
Friday, 17 November 2017

What you learn:I learnt how to read
How you learn:By reading and listening to the reader.
Today for my other i was doing raz kids.Raz kids help you with your reading and ideas.You can do your questions or listen to the other person say it.
Table Conga
Today for my can do i was doing table conga.We had to count into 7 on this game.If you touch the x you will die and you will have to start again and again.
Table conga
Police visit
What did you learn:I learnt how many teeth dogs have.
How do you learn:By looking at it and counting it.
This week the police came and visit.They were driving the helicopter.We had to make a big space for the helicopter to land.
Police visit
This week for inquiry we were doing trades.We had to make a copy of the trades slide.We had to get into buddies with a boy and a girl.I was with xavier with the google slide.
This week at badminton we played a fitness game.It was stuck in the mud.To make them hop out of the mud we had to clap under our legs and hit there hand.We then had to get a racket and a shuttle from the stage.When we got the shuttle and the racket everyone had to get into buddies.We had to throw the shuttle to your partner then they will hit it back and then we just keep on going.When we did that we had to go on the white line to see what the examples are.At the end of badminton we had to line up by the door quietly.
Wednesday, 15 November 2017
Food that LS1 likes
Today for maths we were doing a graph.We went around the class to ask the people what they like out of butter chicken, burger king, pies and other.Other was the biggest then butter chicken was kind of big the bk was less and pies where less.We had to make a titile.My title was Food that LS1 likes.We had to make a L on our maths book.When we did that we had to put lines outside of the L.We then had to put the numbers by the linea that was outside of the L.I wrote on the side number of students.There was 17 people that chosed other, 12 people that chosed butter chicken, 6 people that liked bk and 3 people that liked pies.
SSR Selfie
Today for my for my daily 6 i was doing SSR Selfie.I did the giraffe and the pelly and me by Roald Dahl.He made a wish that his woodern house would turn into a sweet shop.Then it happen in the morning.
Daily 6,
SSR Selfie
Recount Planner
L.I to evaluate the structure of a recount written by ourselves.
Today for writing we were doing are recount planner.I worked with raera for the recount planner.We went to room 7 to do some juggling.When we juggled we started with 1 to 3.
Recount planner,
It's Novel Time
L.I to make a connection, summarise, evaluate, and synthesise fats when reading texts over several days...
Today for reading i was doing my novel.I was working with florence for my novel time.We choosed the giraffe and the pelly and me by Roald Dahl.We started with our main ideas first then we did the other ones.
it's novel time,
Friday, 10 November 2017
Kiwi Sport/ badminton
This week at kiwi sport we did badminton.We had to get a racket and a shuttle.We had to throw the shuttle at your partner and then they need to hit it.
SSR selfie
Today for my ssr selfie i was reading roald dahl the giraffe and the pelly and me.
SSR Selfie
Story starter

can do,
Story starter
Fruit LS1 likes
Today i went around the class to see what fruit people liked.Orange was the less and apple was greatest.We had to cut the paper and put it in our maths book.
Its novel time
L.I to make connections, summarise, evaluate, and synthesise facts when reading texts over several days.
Today for reading we were doing our novel.I was buddies with florence.We were doing our synthesise first then the main ideas second.We had to read the book for 20 minutes so we can gets some facts.We chose the book the pelly and me by roald dahl.

to plan and write a recount in 40 minutes.
Today for writing we were doing a recount.We then went outside to play a stick game.I had to be buddies with Sila.We then had to get our stick from Mr Wong.When we got our stick me and her started to vs.We couldn't move our feet and we cant fall down.
L.I Professional are people that have tranied a lot into in a specialised field that provieds service for the public.Examples are doctors and pilots.What others can you think of?
Today for inquiry we were doing professional.I was working with Lukah and Chavda.When we did this task we chose Doctor, Accountant and pilot.When we did it we had to find some wibsites on google.
Friday, 3 November 2017
Keyboarding Drills

Today for my daily 6 im doing my keyboarding.I try to type with 10 fingers.I keep on looking at the keyboards when i do it.
keyboarding drills
Kiwi Can
This week at kiwi can we played this game.We went ouside into the field.We had a ball when we played the game.We had to tap the ball on to the ground then throw the ball to your team mates.Sandra and Alice was the leader for the team.When we were inside we played another game.It was that you had to put both of your hands in the middle of the circle.
Kiwi can
Kiwi Sports
This week we went to kiwi sports.We had a little fitness when we got there.We played octupus.We had 3 taggers when we played that game.After the game we had to get a racket and a shuttle.We learnt ow to guggle with the shuttle and racket.Then we had to get into buddys.I went with joel because she good at hitting the shuttle.I throw the shuttle at her and then she hit's the shuttle.After that we had to sit back on the white line.When we sat there he said good bye every have a nice day.So then we lined up and went back to school.
Kiwi sports
Choice squares
Today i had to go around the class to ask people what there favourite fruit is.The smallest 1 was orange and the big 1 was strawberries.
Choice squares,
It's novel time
Today for reading we were doing a novel.The book we choosed was blood brothers.We had to finish it from the end of the book.There was 64 pages in the book.
Its novel time,
Recount planner

Today for writing we were doing a stick game.My partner was sila.Me and sila were using our strength.This was a amazing game with sila.
Recount planner,
Emergency Services
Today for inquiry we were doing Emergency Services.We and to go on google slides.LS1 had to make a copy of the emergency services.Me and my partner Joel were doing Army and police.We choose Police and army because that the best to do.We had to go on the websites to get the words and questions.
Emergency Services,
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